Palm Sunday; “Jesús” rides a burro into Jinotega

Sunday, July 4, 2010

You can plant a watermelon on the top of my grave...

and let the juice s-s-s-slurp through (old Camp Ho Mita Koda song). Watermelon and S'mores and and cohetes (firecrackers) were our reminders of Independence Day here. The cohetes were actually to celebrate our parish patronal feast of Sangre de Cristo (kind of long story on why we celebrate it July 4...won't get into that). No one but the three of us sisters thought about the US celebration, which is O.K.

The feast of the Blood of Christ... Sangre de Cristo... was great...Yajaira and several musicians did a fab job of joyful singing, with guitars, guitarrones, and an accordian. Muy alegre! The bishop was happy so many people showed up...the parish coordinator, Jose Matilde, did a great job of getting reps from many of the mountain missions to come.

Sr. Roseanna had 7 kids make First Communion, and I was two young people in the confirmation class. Sr. Charlotte not only prepared for the mass (she is parish liturgy coordinator) but also sang in the choir.

Bishop Carlos Enrique was so pleased so many folks from the mission communities came, he spontaneously invited them to return every 3rd Sunday of the month for catechesis and liturgy. So we found out today, at this same-said mass, that we (the parish "team") will be planning these catechetical days! Well, that's how it goes here... something gets announced from the pulpit, and you find out that you are doing it / in charge of it at that moment! We're sort of getting used to this manner of collaborative ministry....'s why we are here- for catechesis and evangelization. And the people want it...especially the young folks.

Speaking of which... I gave my first retreat talk (in spanish!) at a SINE retreat- Sistema Integral de la Nueva Evangelizacion. Last week we took 24 of our youth to a mission community for this 2-day retreat (along with 40+ particpants from the mission of La Esmeralda). The bishop and his driver carted the kids in the back of two pick-up trucks (no, we didn't drive one....we are still shopping for our used jeep, and will NOT be hauling kids nor adults in this manner!)

Following the retreat, the youth are ON FIRE... so pray.

I asked them, what do you want? What do you need?

Sister, we want to go out and evangelize, but first we need formation.

How cool is that, I ask?!!!

Saturday evening we started our pequena comunidades...small communities, which will continue the process of SINE. The youth have lots of questions, and this all new to me... I don't know what I am doing as I accompany them...but the Holy Spirit is in charge, so I will not worry! Still, pray with me!

1 comment:

mama spider said...

what a great title...